Thrifty Tuesday

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

On Sunday, I went to Chicago with some of my good friends. We went into Macy's because who doesn't want to go into a building that has 8 floors and lots of escalators?! We reached the eighth floor and I was immediately drawn to a display with glimmers of blush pink and gold. On a table there was a tree with pretty paper cranes adorning the branches. I like birds and nature decorations. As my friends and I tested out various couches and planned which one is the best for our future houses, I kept thinking about the paper cranes. I really wanted to make some! On the train ride home,  I attempted to make a paper crane out of my receipt and failed miserably. I was determined to make the birds, so on Monday I made paper cranes and lots of them.


Today, I made a few more and looked up how to hang the birds. First, you find some string and a needle. All you have to do is thread the string through the little opening on the bottom of the crane. I'm very pleased with the finished product. I can't wait to hang it up in my college dorm! The paper cranes bring good fortune and wishes. I hope everyone is having a great day! What is one of your favorite projects that you've made?

Here is a link to the steps I followed:


Remember to enjoy the simple things in life!

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