El Ultimo Giorno in Brescia

Saturday, May 16, 2015

I'm on the train now heading to Florence. Yesterday was our last day in Brescia and it was well spent! We woke up and had breakfast in the hotel. There are of abundance of crossaints, jams, and yogurts. The first school we visited yesterday was a high school. This school was called Madonna Della Neve and it was located in the wine country. The view from the windows was gorgeous. I really enjoyed meeting some students who were close in age to me. They all seemed very excited to meet us. We sat in on one of there English classes and listened to their discussion about online college courses. After their lesson was done we were able to exchange a few questions. I wish we could have had more time to converse and learn about their life here, but the bell rang. Afterwards, we went to sit in on a twelve year old English class. The students were learning basic adjectives and describing pictures in English. It was fun to see how the lessons were similar to ours. By the time the classes were finished it was time for lunch. 
We headed back to our hotel for yet another delicious lunch then headed back to the van to go to Pinac, a children's art museum. This museum was very interesting. The purpose of this museum is to showcase artwork of children from 3-16 around the World. Each year the directors select a new theme for the artwork.  They select pieces that date from 1966-present day that pertain to the theme. This years theme is the relationship that food and gathering to make meals creates. Some of the pieces were artistic masterpieces and some were typical childish drawings. Since the artwork comes from around the world it was interesting to see the various perspectives on the relationship of gathering for a meal. 
We were graciously given a book with all of the pieces that were displayed this year. Once we finished viewing the pieces, we had drawing activity for ourselves. Our task was to draw on a placemate our favorite foods and then draw the food on a paper plate. It was interesting to see all of the drawings we made. 
I drew a banana, yogurt and granola, berries, and scrambled eggs. One can never go wrong with breakfast food!

When we finished our artwork, it was around dinner time. We went to a wonderful restaurant for our farewell dinner to our translator and coordinator. The restaurant had beautiful decor. I love natural elements and bright simple colors. 
For dinner we had polenta, salami, risotto, and creamy, strawberry homemade ice cream. It was a day well filled with new experiences and laughs! 

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