Respect Yourself
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
When we first enter a classroom, workplace, or any environment where we must interact with others, we are told to respect each other. According to, the definition of respect is, "esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability." As I was reading my running journal I stumbled over two words that I did not pay enough attention to. The words were "Respect yourself." I have never heard anyone list these two words on a classroom syllabus or seen them hanging on a sign. I think they are two very important words though. I am sure anyone who is reading this does not respect himself or herself enough. I know that I do not. However, we all do have a lot to respect ourselves for. We should not talk negatively towards ourselves when we make a mistake or find ourselves at fault for something. We should respect ourselves for the way we handled a situation. We should respect ourselves for the many talents and abilities that our bodies or our minds are able to perform. I'm not saying that you should add respect yourself to a list of rules, but maybe remember these two words on a mental list. As the saying goes, if you would not say something to your friends, then don't say it to yourself. We are all special people and we deserve to treat ourselves with respect.
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