Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Goodbye, summer. Thank you for the many adventures, new friendships and relaxation. The best part of my summer was working at two running camps and making countless new friendships. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet many people who share similar interests, but expand my horizons. I enjoyed spending my days running in some of the most beautiful trails in North Carolina, relaxing by Lake Michigan, sharing lunch with friends and learning to be the best person I can be with my good friends in Culver.

Here are some of my wonderful fellow counselors in NC!

My friends Megan and Katy and I looking over John's Rock

Simple beauty in nature! 

After this week I will have completed one month of my junior year! Life sure does seem to go by faster each year. I am always working on embracing each year and taking each day as it comes. It can be a bit difficult to get caught up thinking about the future and where I will be in two years, but I'm trying my best to take it all in stride. This year I officially have my own place to share with my roommate! I have been having fun decorating and putting together the various rooms.
My first place!
Our living room
Kitchen area
My bedroom-the biggest room I've had!

My study space

I have spent a few years collecting items and decorations to add to my own home, and it was nice to finally set up what I have accumulated over the years! A few of the furniture pieces I have I repurposed this summer. I stained the crates that I have in my bedroom and made a shelving unit for my books with them. I also painted and added new knobs to a dresser my grandma gave me that she bought for $1 when she was my age. It's neat to have some furniture pieces that have a story behind them.

My teammates and I completed our second meet of the season at home this past weekend. It is always nice to race at home and have fans scattering the course.We have been working hard all summer and since we have been back at school to chase after our goals for the season.

I have been keeping quite busy with cross country, my classes and various clubs! I am enjoying my classes this semester. I have a nice mix of journalism and exercise science classes that I am trying my best to balance.

Thank you for reading and following along with my journey!

I hope everyone has a great week!

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