Make Each Day Count

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sometimes it can be hard to make it each day count. Since I have been in college, I sometimes find myself looking ahead to the future too much or lingering about the past. It is a good thing to look into the future, but not everyday. I find myself hoping that the next break will come soon, but it is important to take it day by day and enjoy the day I am living right now. Taking some time each day to enjoy the little things that you may not notice everyday is always a good feeling. The butterfly that looks so graceful flying by, or the gorgeous sunrise you may see. The little things in life help to make each day count. I finished my book Running the Edge today. There was one quote that really stuck out to me.

"You have a choice. You have to keep making this choice during every phase of your life. You can choose to wish away the moment or thrive in it. You can disregard today, focusing on better days ahead, or you can make these the days to remember." -Tim Catalano

Everyday is full of wonderful things and we should appreciate them. I will leave you with some of my favorite nature photos that I have taken.

Fourth of July
Sunset in Florida

Flowers on campus
Century plant in New Mexico
Sunset at the dunes

 Carpe diem! Have a great week!

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