Adventures in Firenze Art

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Yesterday we toured the Uffizi Gallery, did some shopping, and climbed up to admire the view from the peak of Florence. My friend Emily and I went to the little convenience store in the morning and bought some berries for breakfast. After breakfast, our group walked downtown to the Uffizi Gallery. In Italian Uffizi means office and the gallery was originally the offices of the famous Medici family. The gallery seemed like a huge maze. There are works by Sandro Boticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Filipo Lippi, and Raphael. I meandered around on my own and appreciated the various art styles. My favorite piece of work is La Primavera or the Allegory of Spring by Boticelli. 

I appreciate the natural element and meaning behind the photo. In the center is Venus and she divides the spiritual from the material. 

Here are some of the pieces I found fascinating. 

This painting is by Michelangelo. 

I thought I was done viewing all of the artwork and headed to the exit, but apparently the gallery wanted me to stay for longer. There were exit signs everywhere but it took ten minutes from the first exit sign to make it to the real exit. There were tons of paintings scattered along the exit route as well that kept attracting my attention. 

Once I made it out into the daylight, I stopped for a quick bite to eat. After a eating, I went with Emily and we explored some of the Italian shops. It was interesting to see how their fashion differs from ours. Everyone here is always dressed up. 

In the evening, a couple of us made the trek up to see the outdoor David and the view of Florence from a high point. This view is indescribable. I know I've said many of the views are breathtaking, but this view couldn't be captured in a single photo. I could see the whole town of Florence and the Arno river that runs along the city. 

We stopped for dinner and gelato on the way back. I feel like I could be a tour guide in Florence now. I was able to navigate our group around the city. 

Enjoy your day today! We are almost in Rome!

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