One of the Wonders of the World

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Today I saw, climbed, and stood on top of one of the 7 wonders of the world. We traveled by train to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I was under the impression that Pisa was a town in the middle of nowhere, but that was a false impression. Pisa is a gorgeous town full of small boutiques and outdoor cafes. We meandered through the streets on the way to the tower. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is surrounded by the Baptist church and another museum. We were fortunate enough to get tickets to climb to the top! It was quite an easy trek up the 292 stairs to reach the top of the tower. The view from above was magnificent. I  could see the countryside on one side and the town in the other. When I was inside the tower, I did feel a bit dizzy from the significant imbalance.

We also had an opportunity to go inside the Baptist Church. It was peaceful and full of mosaic windows. 

Ciao for now! Have a spectacular day!


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